Sunday, October 28, 2012

risky business

           Teens would do anything to fit in like some weed and drink alcohol.  Since they are illegal they turn to things like household items.  People may think that abusing household items aren’t bad for you because they aren’t illegal.  Little do they know that it is just as bad.  Using household items are just like doing drugs and drinking alcohol because it has the same effects on you.
            First off, abusing household items can cause you to get many health problems.  Some health problems you may get are: lightheaded, dizziness, slurred speech, euphoria, and hallucinations.  In an article is stated that with continued use of household items you may lose consciousness or even death.  It also said that if you do not die from abusing household items you can become brain damaged or have kidney failures.
            In addition, not only can it cause you health problems, but it’s also really easy to get. Also, since the 1890’s the abuse of household items has increased steadily.  The reason for that is because it is cheap easy to get and it’s legal.  To do this all you have to do is look in your closets at home and it will be right there.  Also, since this is legal to do teens aren’t afraid of getting caught.  The people that do this the most are teens from 12-17 since it is easily accessible at home.  The household items they abuse are: cough syrup, hand sanitizer, nutmeg, spray paint, gasoline, household cleaners and many more.
            Although this is starting to be a problem, not many people know about it and think its no big deal.  One reason for that is because since it is legal they don’t think that it is bad and that it won’t do any harm to you.  For instance, people think that abusing household items are better then doing meth and alcohol.  But like I said earlier they have the same effect on your body.  Lastly, people think its not a problem because they would never suspect their child abusing household items.
            In conclusion, as you can see kids would do anything just to fit in.  They do dumb things like smoke weed drink alcohol and abuse household items not knowing the effects that it has on your body.  They think that everything will be fine and nothing will happen to their bodies.  But little by little their body is breaking and at any moment they can die.  Don’t be dumb and waste your life on drugs and alcohol.


  1. Hey Dior! I liked your essay on the abuse of household items, but there are few things that you can change. There are a few grammar errors that you can fix, but other than that just re-read your essay to see if you could add or remove some things. Good job!

  2. hey dior
    your essay is looking good ono how teens abuse house hold i teams. i thnk that you have a good thesis, and just a few spelling problems here and there, also you may want to add little bit more detail to this essay. but its looking great good job

  3. Please read over entire essay slowly, there are simple grammar, spelling, and word use errors that need to be fixed. Also please be a little more elaborate and full in your own discussion and reasoning. AS(2)
